Haqq alerting guide

2 min readSep 18, 2022


Create bot

In order to create a bot and get a token for it, we need to go to Telegram https://web.telegram.org/.
Find a bot BotFather https://t.me/BotFather
Next, we need to select the `/newbot` command

After that, let’s come up with a name for our bot and a unique trick for it

Quick install
Let’s take the variables
#exemple haqq
#exemple haqq_54211–2
#exemple haqqvaloper1zqdc83g38lcm…
#exemple ‘https:\/\/haqq-t.rpc.manticore.team:443’

cd ~
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Vgk88/tenderduty_cyberG/main/tenderduty.sh && chmod +x ~/tenderduty.sh && bash ~/tenderduty.sh

So you can view the logs

docker logs -f — tail 20 tenderduty

Change ports
port1= # 8888
port2= # 28686
docker stop tenderduty
docker rm tenderduty
docker run -d — name tenderduty -p “$port1:8888” -p “$port2:28686” — restart unless-stopped -v $(pwd)/config.yml:/var/lib/tenderduty/config.yml ghcr.io/blockpane/tenderduty:latest


Now we can view the information in the browser by going to the address:

через термінал
echo $(curl ifconfig.me):8888


before that, it is also important to open this port if you have a firewall

sudo ufw allow 8888

this is how it looks

Congratulations, you have installed monitoring for the Haqq network!



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